Graduate Writing
20.01.2025 - Programmatically Drawing Cusp Diagrams of Hyperbolic 3-manifolds
08.01.2025 - The Outer Automorphism of \(S_6\) (unfinished)
Undergraduate Writing
11.11.2023 - Voronoi Diagrams in Knight Spaces
08.11.2023 - A Cool Knight Picture (Knights Pt. 1.5)
03.10.2023 - Topological Proofs of Stuff and Things
14.06.2023 - Compactness and Hausdorff Spaces
15.01.2023 - How Does the Horsey Move Again? (Knights Pt. 1)
14.01.2023 - Approximating \(\sqrt{e}\) Using Everything But \(\sqrt{e}\)
15.10.2022 - The Door Problem and a Mold Game
10.08.2022 - Things About NAP Scores
15.06.2022 - About NAP
04.03.2022 - Less Common Proof Strategies